9 reasons to use Symfony

Zache Leto
4 min readJun 10, 2020


1. Fast and Easy Development
It accelerates time-to-market by saving the significant time of development. Symfony’s inbuilt features speed up the application development. Known for its ability to optimize the performance, Symfony consumes less memory and the framework allows users to create robust and high-performance applications.

2. Comfort and Convenience
Symfony is a high-end development framework that brings in a great deal of comfort for developers. They can focus more on the core and advanced functionalities of the application rather than basic features. That’s the crux of this amazing framework.It emphasizes on solving the real challenges of customers. It makes overall product development better and more customer-centric. There are Symfony tools as well to resolve coding errors and security issues. All of these featuresjointly improve the productivity and ultimately lead to faster and bug-free development.

3. User-Friendly and Flexibility
From a newbie to an expert, Symfony framework is very popular across the developers’ community. Empowered with MVC components, it gives you full control over configuration and other critical features of development. It is compatible with other database systems. The user-friendly interface with effective methodology helps create complex and dynamic applications with great amount flexibility. Additional functionalities can be easily added with multiple features. It is adapted to the specific requirements of users.

4. Longevity
Symfony is supported by SensioLabs which is a vibrant community of developers with more than 13 years of experience. It ensures longevity by facilitating long-term maintenance and scalability.It delivers the high-performance application with long-term maintenance. The framework is well tested with regular updates.

5. Customization
Symfony offers great custom features and functionalities for developers and businesses. You can make your application as user-oriented as you want. It has advanced OOPS service architecture to scale up projects.

Symfony offers 3 types of customization

  • Full stack — Develop the complex product with multiple functionalities
  • Brick by brick — If you want specific features based on your requirement which does not need the entire framework. You can build your own custom framework and develop an application with limited selective functions.
  • Micro framework — If you need a specific functionality in your application, which does not require the entire framework. You can still do that with Symfony. Use a particular feature to develop a definite functionality. It is made up of bricks which can be used separately.

6. Expandable
Everything in Symfony framework represents itself as a bundle. Each bundle has a unique functionality. You can re-use the bundle in other projects and share with the community too. It is also one of the reasons which make it popular among developers. The best part is that you can changeor modify anything, even the coreof the system without re-configuring the complete framework. You can add the functionalities as you need and extend an application features as much as you want.

7. Stable and Sustainable
The company offers a 3-year support for some of the versions. It provides a life-time support for security-related issues. Symfonyhas arock solidstability and sustainability for an application developed in any version of the framework. It gives more priority to functional advantages by making it more compatible with public APIs. Symfony is built with the latest components which are tested in all popular PHP projects with more than one billion downloads.

8. Easy to Use
As we have pointed out earlier, that it provides flexibility to developers. Adding further, the framework has the “embedded” best practices to help beginners learn quickly. There is a comprehensive and detailed documentation which is extremely useful for newbies and experienced developers as well. It is considered to be one of the finest documentation among the other PHP framework. Every component is well explained and simplified with examples. Moreover, there is a great community support too. It provides easy configuration and caching mechanism to enhance application performance.

9. Easy Testing
It makes unit testing easier with PHP Unit Independent Library. It stimulates HTTP requests and verifies the output without any script using testing tools. It automates the functional testing that saves a significant amount of time and efforts of developers. Symfony also offers some really good tools for functional, behavioral and unit testing.

All of these factors collectively make Symfony one of the best frameworks for application development. You can certainly rely on Symfony framework for large-scale projects because of the technical advantages; it offers.

